Community of Practice
Our goals
For a plastic-free Mediterranean, we need to combine experience sharing, collaboration and mutual support.

Trust each others

Gain perspective

Sharing resources

Sharing experiences

Benefit from strength of the group

Limiting the transfer of impact

Eliminate single-use plastics
The Community of Practice in brief
What is BeMed’s Community of Practice ?
It brings together all the stakeholders supported by BeMed. It provides members with a space for discussion, sharing of experience and good practice, and collective reflection. Its aims at strengthening actions on the ground by improving the circulation of information and replicable solutions.
Who can join ?
Each year, the organisations selected in our calls for projects are given the opportunity to join our Community. The Community currently has 87 members.
How do we act ?
We work together through :
• Community Rendez-Vous, online discussions organised around themes of interest.
• A directory of contacts enabling us to identify members of the Community and their expertise.
• An annual event, in collaboration with and hosted by one or more members of the Community.
• Community letters, to keep the information flowing.
• Our public resource library, which brings together useful tools and classifies them by subject.