Fighting Plastic Pollution in Cyprus: The Responsible Beach Bars Initiative


Fighting Plastic Pollution in Cyprus: The Responsible Beach Bars Initiative

The aim of this initiative is to hold the professionals working in Cypriot beach bars, cafés and restaurants responsible, encouraging them to protect their stretches of beach and to reduce the volume of marine litter, notably the plastic items thrown away by their customers.

Several actions are to be implemented in order to achieve this: the organization of a workshop bringing together representatives of the island’s bars; the identification of the problems associated with the plastic waste management and the focusing of their attention on simple, effective solutions; the preparation of a “best practices” guide, as well as the launching of a huge awareness-raising campaign in summer 2017, which will be accompanied by a competition for beach bars in order to find the one that does the best job at reducing plastic waste.

Results :

  • Organisation of workshops bringing together 100 local stakeholders: public, private, ambassadors, NGOs and citizens.
  • Organisation of a competition to come up with practical, sustainable solutions, with the winner proposing the use of straws made from baked pasta.
  • Development of a best practice guide available on their website.
  • Collection of waste, the data collected being sent to the Marine Litter Watch database.

By the end of the project, the network had grown from 78 to 103 partners!

Updated: June 20, 2024