Albanian Islands plastic reduction strategy and action plan

Author : Royal Albanian Foundation
Publication year : 2021
Languages : EN
Geographical areas : Albania
Keywords : Advocacy & Regulation, Island, Local context and awareness, Single-Use Plastic, Tourism

This strategy and Action Plan sets out a vision, aims and objectives for the protection of Albanian island from the plastic pollution and their integral functioning. These ecosystems are free protection from the plastic pollution and their integral functioning. These ecosystems are free from all unnecessary plastics by the year 2030. The document emphasizes the present circumstances in which this has become a pressing issue and sets out an initial action plan for addressing it. The strategy and action plan staring point is based on vulnerability of these types of bodies, present and projected threats due to human presence. The approach is considering national and European policy and good practice, as well as related legal framework. Current nature conservation status of the certain Islands (where it exist) and surrounding protected areas were also considered as complementary tools in achieving protection from plastic waste, together with specific actions to be implemented by the local self-government authorities, various partners and residents.