Building CapaCity among Microplastics INDustry Stakeholders (BCC MINDS)

© MedSOS

Although the adverse impacts of microplastics on the marine environment have received growing attention and recognition worldwide during the last decade, the focus of existing initiatives in Greece has been primarily on shaping public knowledge, attitudes and behavior towards secondary microplastics and microbead usage in cosmetics and personal care products. The proposed initiative aims at shedding light on the less known, but equally significant, sources of primary marine microplastic pollution (i.e. agricultural mulch films, artificial sport turfs, paints, clothing and textiles, detergents/cleaning products, road tyres) by bringing together and building capacity among key industry stakeholders.

The project’s approach is focused around the following three interrelated axes:

  • Stakeholder mapping to identify the key players for each source category, their knowledge on the targeted environmental problem, and their interest in the initiative.
  • Targeted consultation and engagement activities to conduct a diagnosis of the current situation, based on extensive dialogue with experts and stakeholders on the sources, impacts, and possible solutions (direct contacts by phone, mail and face-to-face meetings).
  • Identification and discussion of future steps (e.g. potential measures, initiatives, etc.) that can be taken to reduce the production and emission of microplastics from the aforementioned sources at the national level.

The results :

  • Identification of stakeholders
  • Mobilisation of the plastics industry and the authorities responsible for waste management in Greece
  • Raising awareness
  • Organisation of participatory seminars
  • Identification of good practices

According to a survey organised by Medsos, there are still too few companies aware of plastic pollution.

The seminars helped to identify good practices already implemented by some companies (replacement of certain plastic compounds in cosmetics, technology for filtering microplastics generated during production, etc.).

Primary microplastics are a little-known but vitally important problem for the Mediterranean. The work carried out by MedSOS provides a framework for collaboration with industry to reduce these sources of plastic.

In the future, Medsos will set up a consultancy service to help interested companies change their habits and will continue its awareness-raising work to reach more industries.

Update 07/02/2024